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Thank you for listening to the LifeHouseChurch Podcast. We pray that PastorRichard Kobakian's message 'Vision Sunday - 2025' blesses you.

For more details about LifeHouse Churchvisit www.Lifehouse.global or downloadthe LifeHouse Church app.

Jest to odcinek podkastu:
LifeHouse Church

Welcome to the Podcast Channel of LifeHouse Church led by Senior Pastors Richard and Helen Kobakian.

LifeHouse is a vibrant, growing church located in Melbourne that loves seeing people connected to Jesus and growing passionately in their faith. We hope these messages inspire you to live your life with purpose!

Informacja dotycząca prawa autorskich: Wszelka prezentowana tu zawartość podkastu jest własnością jego autora

