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1. Substantial -  Don't Stop [Vagrancy]
2. Degiheugi - Soundtrack of my day w/ Ghostown
3. Degiheugi - Time to take ou the trash w/ Brad Sucks & Ms Vybe
4. Printempo - Unbecoming
5. Printempo - The Strut
6. Tin Can Notes - California In The Ether
7. Tin Can Notes - Trails
8. Bakers At Dawn -  Same
9. Bakers At Dawn -  Buckets
10. Northbound -  Foul weather friend
11. Northbound -  The trick
12. Sun Airway -  Oh Naoko
13. Sun Airway - Your Moon

Wykorzystane albumy:
Degiheugi -  TIME TO TAKE OUT THE TRASH "Remixes & B-Sides"
Printempo -  Printempo
Tin Can Notes -  Tin Can Notes EP
Bakers At Dawn -  You Must Hide Your Love Forever
Northbound -  Nowhere near
Sun Airway -  Oh, Naoko EP

Jest to odcinek podkastu:

Nośnik Darmowej Muzyki / The Free Music Storage

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