Teorie spiskowe otaczają nas ze wszystkich stron. Mogą kojarzyć się z niszowymi zakamarkami internetu, ale w rzeczywistości łatwo je odnaleźć w mainstreamowych mediach czy wypowiedziach czołowych polityków. Jak je rozpoznawać? Jak się przed nimi wystrzegać?
American Conspiracy Theories, Joseph Parent, Joseph Uscinski
Anomaly Hunting, Steven Novella
Analytic thinking reduces belief in conspiracy theories, Viren Swami, Martin Voracek, Stefan Stieger, Ulrich S Tran, Adrian Furnham
Conspiracy theories as quasi-religious mentality: an integrated account from cognitive science, social representations theory, and frame theory, Bradley Franks, Adrian Bangerter, Martin W Bauer
Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science, Martin Gardner
International Poll: No Consensus On Who Was Behind 9/11
The Philosophy of Conspiracy Theories, Matthew Wills
Overconfidently conspiratorial: Conspiracy believers are dispositionally overconfident and massively overestimate how much others agree with them, Gordon Pennycook, Jabin Binnendyk, David Rand
The Subjects of the Flat Earth Documentary Behind the Curve Are Trolling You to Victory, Greg Gilman
“What about building 7?” A social psychological study of online discussion of 9/11 conspiracy theories, Michael J. Wood, Karen M. Douglas
Why Do Some People Believe in Conspiracy Theories?, Thea Buckley
Why Education Predicts Decreased Belief in Conspiracy Theories, Jan-Willem Van Prooijen
American Conspiracy Theories, Joseph Parent, Joseph Uscinski
Anomaly Hunting, Steven Novella
Analytic thinking reduces belief in conspiracy theories, Viren Swami, Martin Voracek, Stefan Stieger, Ulrich S Tran, Adrian Furnham
Conspiracy theories as quasi-religious mentality: an integrated account from cognitive science, social representations theory, and frame theory, Bradley Franks, Adrian Bangerter, Martin W Bauer
Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science, Martin Gardner
International Poll: No Consensus On Who Was Behind 9/11
The Philosophy of Conspiracy Theories, Matthew Wills
Overconfidently conspiratorial: Conspiracy believers are dispositionally overconfident and massively overestimate how much others agree with them, Gordon Pennycook, Jabin Binnendyk, David Rand
The Subjects of the Flat Earth Documentary Behind the Curve Are Trolling You to Victory, Greg Gilman
“What about building 7?” A social psychological study of online discussion of 9/11 conspiracy theories, Michael J. Wood, Karen M. Douglas
Why Do Some People Believe in Conspiracy Theories?, Thea Buckley
Why Education Predicts Decreased Belief in Conspiracy Theories, Jan-Willem Van Prooijen
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