World of English
Podcast jest nagrywany w języku angielskim.
Spędź kilka chwil ze mną a ja postaram się przekazać Ci mnóstwo energii i zarazić moją pasją do tego języka. Każdy podcast będzie miał swój transkrypt, który pomoże wytropić dowolne słówko i zwrot.
Transkrypt znajdziecie na naszej stronie
My podcast is recorded in English. Spend some time with me and I will try and share with you loads of energy and passion for this language. Each podcast will have its transcript which will help you trace any word or phrase. The transcript can be found at
WE 005 - The short-witted bear
2018-10-01 21:26:38
Who am I talking about? Who are they rescuing and why? Why is it sometimes good to stop being serious for a while and listen to the child within ourselves. Let’s go to the cinema.
In the podcast there has been used a song entitled Busy Doing Nothing.
Song: Busy Doing Nothing
Christopher Robin (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Performed by Richard M.Sherman
WE 004 - The effect
2018-10-01 21:26:30
Find out how to speed up the process of learning English, how to feel more confident, learn about tips and techniques that will finally help you go from zero to hero.
WE 003 - Carpool
2018-09-04 00:21:40
WE 002 - The dog
2018-09-04 00:09:32
Find out about my story with dogs, how and why they have changed my life and how they are connected with English.
WE 001 - Storytelling
2018-09-04 00:09:23
However, it is often the case that it takes a lot of time to learn a good standard of the language, people resign from speaking English in public, others cannot climb up their career ladder because they don’t know the language well enough.
Storytelling is the first episode in a series called World of English prepared by a teacher-trainer of English. It is a series based on first-hand experience, presenting practical tips how to learn the language as well as funny stories from and outside the classroom. All covered in humour and good energy.