World of English

Podcast jest nagrywany w języku angielskim.

Spędź kilka chwil ze mną a ja postaram się przekazać Ci mnóstwo energii i zarazić moją pasją do tego języka. Każdy podcast będzie miał swój transkrypt, który pomoże wytropić dowolne słówko i zwrot.

Transkrypt znajdziecie na naszej stronie

My podcast is recorded in English. Spend some time with me and I will try and share with you loads of energy and passion for this language. Each podcast will have its transcript which will help you trace any word or phrase. The transcript can be found at

Edukacja Nauka języka

Odcinki od najnowszych:

WE 035 - Why do we fail?
2021-12-09 10:05:20

Have you ever had the feeling that you will never learn English? Have you ever thought that you have tried so many times before and you have failed so many times before? The good news is that it is only a feeling. What if you realize that there are ways to improve the process of learning and this podcast will show you how to avoid making the same mistakes. Wiele osób uważa, że nigdy nie nauczy się języka angielskiego, bo bardzo długo próbuje, a efekty są cały czas mizerne. Jesteś jedną z takich osób? Mam dla Ciebie dobrą wiadomość. Brak postępów w nauce zazwyczaj wynika z błędnych założeń i niewiedzy jak się uczyć, aby nauka była skuteczna. Zapraszam do wysłuchania odcinka, który zmieni Twoje nastawienie do nauki języka angielskiego. Znajdziesz w nim sposoby, które błyskawicznie wpłyną na jakość i szybkość przyswaja wiedzy oraz podpowiedzi jak unikać popełniania wciąż tych samych błędów. Być może przekonasz się, że angielski online z lektorem to właśnie coś czego szukasz.
Have you ever had the feeling that you will never learn English? Have you ever thought that you have tried so many times before and you have failed so many times before? The good news is that it is only a feeling. What if you realize that there are ways to improve the process of learning and this podcast will show you how to avoid making the same mistakes.

Wiele osób uważa, że nigdy nie nauczy się języka angielskiego, bo bardzo długo próbuje, a efekty są cały czas mizerne. Jesteś jedną z takich osób? Mam dla Ciebie dobrą wiadomość. Brak postępów w nauce zazwyczaj wynika z błędnych założeń i niewiedzy jak się uczyć, aby nauka była skuteczna. Zapraszam do wysłuchania odcinka, który zmieni Twoje nastawienie do nauki języka angielskiego. Znajdziesz w nim sposoby, które błyskawicznie wpłyną na jakość i szybkość przyswaja wiedzy oraz podpowiedzi jak unikać popełniania wciąż tych samych błędów. Być może przekonasz się, że angielski online z lektorem to właśnie coś czego szukasz.

WE 034 - Read, write and enjoy English!
2021-07-30 18:27:59

Each of us has different methods of studying English. Still, when learning the language we shall practice all elements, such as listening, writing, reading and speaking. Listen to a talk of two teachers of English who are talking about their experiences of both studying and learning the language. Check how reading and writing in a foreign language helps to master it.
Each of us has different methods of studying English. Still, when learning the language we shall practice all elements, such as listening, writing, reading and speaking. Listen to a talk of two teachers of English who are talking about their experiences of both studying and learning the language. Check how reading and writing in a foreign language helps to master it.

WE 033 - Two teachers, same language, different accents
2021-07-30 18:27:45

English is a language of various colors and hues. Learning it is so fascinating because you get to know a number of accents, structures and idiomatic expressions. Listen to an engaging conversation between two teachers using visibly different standards of English, different and yet equally great.
English is a language of various colors and hues. Learning it is so fascinating because you get to know a number of accents, structures and idiomatic expressions. Listen to an engaging conversation between two teachers using visibly different standards of English, different and yet equally great.

WE 032 - Crime
2021-02-16 22:04:42

The subject of crime has always been attractive. Films and books about crime have been greatly popular at all times. The question „whodunnit?” makes our hair stand on end. This episode will reveal the secret of crime vocabulary in English.
The subject of crime has always been attractive. Films and books about crime have been greatly popular at all times. The question „whodunnit?” makes our hair stand on end. This episode will reveal the secret of crime vocabulary in English.

WE 031 - How to learn English?
2020-12-21 23:41:12

Effective study of the language is the key to success. It is common too often that you learn English and have a very little result. In this episode you are offered a list of practical tips that will turn your study of the language into an effective process.
Effective study of the language is the key to success. It is common too often that you learn English and have a very little result. In this episode you are offered a list of practical tips that will turn your study of the language into an effective process.

WE 030 - Tenses in English
2020-12-04 22:49:08

The time has come to deal with the most feared subject of all when it comes to studying English, namely the tenses. I have heard a number of misconceptions about them. They cause a lot of confusion and very often stop learners from speaking English at all. Listen to the podcast and stop making mistakes once and for all.
The time has come to deal with the most feared subject of all when it comes to studying English, namely the tenses. I have heard a number of misconceptions about them. They cause a lot of confusion and very often stop learners from speaking English at all. Listen to the podcast and stop making mistakes once and for all.

WE 029 - In the name of confidence
2020-10-30 15:33:28

Confidence is a crucial element of a happy and successful life. The question is how to develop it? Do we get the trait of self-confidence on our birthday or do we get that instilled in us through upbringing? Check how self-confidence built the life and career of Priyanka Chopra and what other synonyms and antonyms of the word there are in the English language.
Confidence is a crucial element of a happy and successful life. The question is how to develop it? Do we get the trait of self-confidence on our birthday or do we get that instilled in us through upbringing? Check how self-confidence built the life and career of Priyanka Chopra and what other synonyms and antonyms of the word there are in the English language.

WE 028 - Giving presentations in English
2020-05-25 10:45:49

Speaking confidently in English is an important skill. The skill can land you a better job, it helps you in social contact. There is a special ability connected with speaking, namely giving presentations. It is dreaded by many people, and it shouldn’t be like that. Get to know some useful techniques and vocabulary that will help you prepare a great presentation.
Speaking confidently in English is an important skill. The skill can land you a better job, it helps you in social contact. There is a special ability connected with speaking, namely giving presentations. It is dreaded by many people, and it shouldn’t be like that. Get to know some useful techniques and vocabulary that will help you prepare a great presentation.

WE 027 - Prepositions in English
2020-04-01 21:28:48

In, on, maybe at? Which shall I use? This is the question. Prepositions are usually a problem for most learners. This podcast will help you learn and understand the difference between Polish and English. There is a pattern that makes it so much easier to acquire the subject and use prepositions without making mistakes.
In, on, maybe at? Which shall I use? This is the question. Prepositions are usually a problem for most learners. This podcast will help you learn and understand the difference between Polish and English. There is a pattern that makes it so much easier to acquire the subject and use prepositions without making mistakes.

WE 026 - Accents, dialects and Peaky Blinders
2020-02-05 22:28:52

Does it ever happen to you that you listen to English and it sounds weird to you? It may just be an accent you have never heard before. Some English speaking viewers have to watch the Peaky Blinders series with subtitles. Check out the much controversy there is about accents in English.
Does it ever happen to you that you listen to English and it sounds weird to you? It may just be an accent you have never heard before. Some English speaking viewers have to watch the Peaky Blinders series with subtitles. Check out the much controversy there is about accents in English.

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