Catching the Next Wave

Aga and Łukasz Szóstek inspire leaders to reflect on the possibilities and challenges of 21st-century leadership through inspired conversations with amazing guests. They together discuss topics such as change, innovation, common sense, empowerment and more, each of them unique for one season of their podcast. Join them as they Catch The Next Wave.
S2.E5. Scott Perry. Creativity Is Everywhere.
2019-01-16 19:06:00
Everybody is creative, right? Why don't we see it more often then? Scott Perry, a musician and an author of "Endeavor" and "The Stoic Creative" talks about the internal battles we all go through to release our creativity. He shares ways to overcome your resistance to become a person you always wanted to be.
Important links
“The Stoic Creative” by Scott Perry
“Meditations” by Marcus Aurelius
Scott's website: Be creative on purpose
Martin Taylor - jazz guitar player
Frank Vignola - jazz guitar player
The performance of Scott with Martin Taylor and Frank Vignola
S2.E4. Adam Lindstrom. Reshaping the future of education.
2019-01-16 19:03:00
Education needs to change to enable the next generations to become ready to take up the challenges they are going to face in their adult lives. Adam Lindstrom, the educator from New Jersey shares his approach to changing the education and empowering it through technology to make his school ready for the future.
Important links
"The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho
"Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?" by Seth Godin
"Let My People Go Surfing: The Education of a Reluctant Businessman" by Yvon Chouinard
S2.E3. Scott Gould. Powering Engagement.
2019-01-16 19:02:00
Church has spent two millennia finding ways to motivate, engage and empower people. Scott Gould, the author of "The Shape of Engagement", shares with us his definitions of what engagement means and tells an absolutely fascinating story of how church designs his ways to build an ultimate engagement.
Important links
Human Sigma: Managing the Employee-Customer Encounter by John H. Fleming , Jim Asplund
Influence: Science and Practice by Robert B. Cialdini
The Experience Economy by B. Joseph Pine II, James H. Gilmore
Gung Ho! Turn On the People in Any Organization by Ken Blanchard
Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel H. Pink
S2.E2. John Law. The Secret Life Of Secret Societies.
2019-01-16 19:01:00
There are ways to empower that are not as obvious. That are based on becoming part of a group that gives you the space and the legitimacy to try things out. Things you might never dare to try outside of this secret world. John Law, the co-founder of the Burning Man festival, talks about his life as a member of secret societies, about generosity, morality and permission to be yourself. As much yourself as you can bare.
Important links
the definition of the Secret Society
the Laughing Squid where John is a partner
S2.E1. INTRO: Aga Szóstek & Werner Puchert. Empowerement Is The Tool For Trasformation.
2019-01-16 19:00:00
Season 1 of the Catching The Next Wave podcast turned out to be about transformation. But, in order, to go through any transformation you need to feel empowered to do so. The hosts Aga and Werner share their initial thoughts of what empowerment is while getting ready to shoot the second season which aims to help them dig deeper into the notion of empowerment.
XMAS BONUS. Alex Di Palma. How To Make a Ruckus Through Podcasting?
2018-12-22 16:43:00
Is live content better than edited one? Should you publish weekly or by season? What sticks in audio and what doesn't? ...and many other insights on building audio experiences through podcasting.
Important links
Out on the Wire: The Storytelling Secrets of the New Masters of Radio by Jessica Abel
S1.E10. Aga Szóstek & Werner Puchert. OUTRO: Stepping Into The World of Transformational Design.
2018-09-05 15:10:00
In the world of transformational design, we create the narratives which define how we live our lives. The role of design is to enable the positive change to happen. To facilitate and to coach it. But ultimately the work needs to be done by the users. By each of us. The role of business and design is to responsibly accommodate us once we are ready to take the first steps. To leap. To become an artist.
Important links
Aga Szóstek @malka6
Medium writings
Werner Puchert @weenerdawg
Medium writings
S1.E9. Kelli Wood. Everybody Is an Artist.
2018-09-05 15:09:00
Transformation is like an onion - it has many layers. It's essential that any work centring on Transformational Design is rooted within our humanity. Kelli Wood, provost of the Seth Godin's AltMBA workshop and artist behind LittleBigWorks, talks about being an artist, finding meaning and living up to your true potential.
Important Links:
“Letters to a Young Poet” by Rainer Maria Rilke
"Too Close To The Falls" by Catherine Gildiner
"Coming ashore" by Catherine Gildiner
"After the Falls" by Catherine Gildiner
S1.E8. Andy Sontag. Organizational Change Is Built by Combining Customer- Employee- and Branding Experience.
2018-09-05 15:08:00
Experience can be a lifestyle. It has the potential to build a valuable futureproof business. Andy Sontag, the Experience Design program manager at Kaos Pilots in Denmark, talks about meaning, change by design and the inspiration from the arts.
Important Links:
"Art as experience" by John Dewey
"How Emotions Are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain" by Lisa Feldman Barrett
S1.E7. Marc Hassenzahl. Friction Is Good.
2018-09-05 15:07:00
Have you ever thought what responsibility means with respect to experience design? How might technology be appropriated for good or for evil? Marc Hassenzahl, the experience design professor at Siegen University in Germany, talks about the need for troubles and secrets, provocation and the effortful design.
Important Links:
“Experience Design: Technology for All the Right Reasons” by Marc Hassenzahl
“The Comfort of Things” by Daniel Miller
Pleasurable troublemakers: Keymoment]
Pleasurable troublemakers: The Chocolate Machine]
Pleasurable troublemakers: Forget-Me-Not