Catching the Next Wave

Aga and Łukasz Szóstek inspire leaders to reflect on the possibilities and challenges of 21st-century leadership through inspired conversations with amazing guests. They together discuss topics such as change, innovation, common sense, empowerment and more, each of them unique for one season of their podcast. Join them as they Catch The Next Wave.
S3.E5. John Law. Exploring The Zone.
2019-04-25 17:03:00
Crossing borders is often considered as a metaphor. But it can be both physical and metaphorical too. John Law explains the idea of crossing over to the zone as a way to stretch your imagination and see the world (especially the familiar world) with new eyes. Next to it, John discusses the meaning of anarchy in today's world, tells the stories behind some of the neons to be shown at his upcoming exhibition and once more takes us once more to the world of immersive events.
Important links
Oakland Pro Arts Gallery & Commons – Be Pro Art!
Improvement of Joe Camel billboard by the Billboard Liberation Front
City Lights Booksellers and Publishers
An article about the 100th anniversary of Dada celebrated in San Francisco
Ringolevio: A Life Played for Keeps by Emmett Grogan
The Dice Man by Luke Rhinehart
Apocalypse Culture by Adam Parfrey (Editor)
S3.E4. David Bassuk. The Ultimate Way of Engaging The Audience.
2019-04-25 17:02:00
Have you ever thought why does the traditional advertisement never work anymore? And even further - is there a way to make it work again? In this incredible conversation with David Bassuk - the performance professor at the Purchase College in NYC, we investigate the world of transmedia, gameplay and immersiveness as the future of engaging with the audience before, during and after an event or service launch. Last but not least, we look into how theater and play has changed over time and deliberate about its future.
Important links
S3.E3. Elena Rodriguez Blanco. Social Impact Can Be Scaled Bottom Up.
2019-04-25 17:01:00
Have you ever considered beach clean-up as a part of your holidays? Elena Rodriguez Blanco talks about responsible tourism, local social impact and transformational experience design. We discuss the dangers of burnout and the importance of mindfulness. We also dig into the world of female entrepreneurship and the challenges that can be found there.
Important links
Elena's startup Authenticitys
Elena Rodriguez Blanco , Mind Your Business: Redoing Entrepreneurship, TEDxModulUniversity
Adrienne Maree Brown, Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds
S3.E2. Seth Godin. To Leap Is a Black and White Choice.
2019-04-25 17:00:00
Have you ever considered what would you do if it was your last day on Earth? Together with Seth we explore the notion of excellence, good-enoughism and status. We discuss the importance of having time every day for creativity and reflection. And we look into the future of democracy, intellectual property and new artistic expressions.
Important links
Thomas Peters “In search of excellence: Lessons from America's Best-Run Companies”
Thomas Peters “The Little Big Things: 163 Ways to Pursue EXCELLENCE”
Kevin Kelly “What technology wants”
Sci-Fi Trilogy by Eliot Peper - “Bandwith”, “Borderless”, “Breach”
S3.E1. Aga & Łukasz Szóstek. INTRO: What Do We Think We Talk About When We Talk About Crossing Boundaries?
2019-04-15 16:25:00
Season 2 made us aware that in order to feel empowered for transformation we need to cross some borders or boundaries. But what does it mean to cross one? How does it feel? Is it one big leap or a thousand little steps? In Season 3 we hope to explore the notion of crossing boundaries from the perspectives of leaders, designers, artists and performers. We begin with this question in mind: do we truly know what we talk about when we talk about crossing boundaries? And we hope to stand corrected :)
S2.E10. OUTRO: Aga & Łukasz Szóstek. Empowerment Begins With You
2019-01-16 19:11:00
As Season 2 of the Catching The Next Wave podcast comes to an end, we attempted to untangle what empowerment means based on the fascinating stories our guests shared with us over the last few months. So, what is empowerment? It is the strength of self-permission? It seems like the right place to start.
Important links
S2.E9. Petter Abrahamsen. An Ultimate Goal Of Building a Team.
2019-01-16 19:10:00
As almost nothing significant can be achieved individually anymore today collaboration is the front and center of challenges the modern companies face. Petter Abrahamsen, the former commander of the Norwegian Navy, talks about motivations and the methods of building teams in the military world. He also shares his thoughts of the ingredients necessary to make empowerment become a reality rather than only round words.
Important links
It's Your Ship: Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy by D. Michael Abrashoff
S2.E8. Ask Agger. Playfulness Builds Trust.
2019-01-16 19:09:00
The traditional leadership style is getting old for the new times we live in. So, what can the leaders of today do to stay relevant and keep up with the new generations of people who don't want to be ruled by command and control bosses? Why would the leaders even want to change their style? Style that made them so successful for so many years? Ask Agger, the partner and the Change Agency Workz and the author of " The 3rd Generation of Storytelling" tells about the power of playfulness and games to teach leaders whya nd how to switch from the old ways to the new.
Important links
The Culture Map: Breaking Through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business by Erin Meyer
The Art of Action: How Leaders Close the Gaps between Plans, Actions and Results by Stephen Bungay
S2.E7. April Mills. Dogmatically Planning To Be As Agile As Possible.
2019-01-16 19:08:00
Change in many organizations is the new constant. There problem is though - people are not happy about it. April Mills, the author of "Everyone is a change agent" and a perpetual change agent herself, explains ways in which a lasting change can be constructed. She draws from her experience as an engineer at the nuclear navy shipyard and from Intel, where she is bringing change about today.
Important links
Everyone is a Change Agent: A Guide to the Change Agent Essentials by April K. Mills
The Rickover Effect: How One Man Made A Difference by Theodore Rockwell
S2.E6. Mel Lang. Empathy And Curiosity Before Everything Else.
2019-01-16 19:07:00
Finding a successful way to run a team, especially in the world of agile, is like fining a golden egg. Mel Lang, an amazing agile coach herself, shares secrets of what being a good agile coach is all about. She talks about her path from an interactive agency to becoming a cook and explains how this adventure changed her perspective on running good teams. And for those interested, she also shares her tricks to change bad habits for good.
Important links
Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life by Marshall B. Rosenberg