Brett Sutton is one of the greatest coaches in the history of triathlon. In his hour-long conversation with TriGapa, he doesn't bite his tongue and puts forward many interesting theses.
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- Age-groupers who want to be successful really don't need to buy $15,000 bikes. dollars. Nor carbon shoes, which very often cause injuries.
- We want triathlon to improve the quality of life of our age-groupers, not destroy it. We strongly pay attention to this.
- Amateurs become slaves to training programs and cannot let go.
- The hardest people to coach are those who think they are the smartest. Doctors and physicists spend 90% of their time thinking about how to be faster instead of putting on their shoes and running.
- If you do triathlon the right way, it is the most interesting sport in the world, not boring at all. This is what we want to convey at Trisutto.
- Professionals are more gentle now. People are looking for an easier way to do everything. Now it is believed that if someone trains hard, he is not training smart. Of course, not everyone has this approach, the best ones go the extra mile. That's why they achieve such results.
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TriGapa to najpopularniejszy polski podcast triathlonowy. Na platformach streamingowych możecie go słuchać od lutego 2022 roku. Wcześniej, przez cztery lata, program leciał w radiu Weszło FM. Przez ten czas rozmawiałem chyba z całą czołówką polskiego triathlonu, ale też z zagranicznymi gośćmi, jak chociażby słynny trener Brett Sutton.